Apr 9, 2024

Install JTV in Raspberry pi

 Install JTV in Raspberry pi

Step 1: (Not needed if server restarted)

Check service is running in background
Goto to profile directory first

cd ~
then hit the following
lsof -i :5001

This will display the pid. If nothing displayed then service is not running

If it running then we can kill this service by running

sudo kill -9 <pid>

Step 2:

Run the service 

nohup jiotv_go run --host "" &

This will create a file nohup.out 
we can use ls command to list files

tail nohup.out to view progress.

Step 3:

move to other folder

cd clfr

Step 4: (Not needed if server restarted)

Check the existing service is running in background

sudo ps -ef | grep "cloudflared"

This will print the 2 lines of pid.

Step 5: 

Run the cloudflared in the background

nohup cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:5001 &

To get the url of the running service. use the bellow command 

cat nohup.out

check the printted lines.
If it not showing wait 2 second and do cat nohup.out


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